Title: Dance Towards The Dawn
Original title: Dansen naar de ochtend (2023)
Author: Wilco Harbers
Illustrations: Alie Nicolay
Cover: Meraki Cover Design / Esther van Bokhorst-Beentjes
Author photo auteur: Wilco Harbers
Translation: Matty Stutterheim-Smid, Michiel van Bokhorst
Genre: poetry
Publication: paperback, 98 pagina's
Publisher: Palmslag, November 1, 2024
ISBN: 9789493343740
NUR: 306
€ 21,95 / unsigned > order via Uitgeverij Palmslag
€ 21,95 + shipping costs / signed > order by e-mail
or via contactform
KRALENDIJK - Finally. After more than a year of translating, puzzling, discussing, adapting and rewriting, it happened today!
I am proud and happy that 'Dance Towards The Dawn' is being released today. 'Dance Towards The Dawn' is the English translation of my poetry collection 'Dansen naar de ochtend', which was published in January 2023. This translation took more than a year of hard work. With a movingly beautiful result!
'Dance Towards The Dawn' is a collection of poignant and vivid poems about love and grief.
Following the death of Arno, my husband and beloved, this poetry collection emerged. From a connection with my pain, sorrow, fear, and loss, I found the inspiration to write. The result was love finding its way back in a stream of words. A river of sentences, culminating in a sea of poetry.
For more information and/or to buy the collection: Uitgeverij Palmslag
KRALENDIJK - Finally. The finishing touches. After more than a year of translating, puzzling, discussing, adapting and rewriting, it will happen.
The English translation of my poetry collection "Dansen naar de ochtend" (2023) will see the light of day in the autumn of 2024.
"Dansen naar de ochtend" is the collection of Dutch poems that I wrote following the death of my husband and lover, Arno, at the end of 2021.
Poems about grief and love, loss and hope.
The cover is ready, the manuscript is with the publisher...
I'm so, so proud of everyone who worked with me on this. And proud of myself!
Stay tuned!

KRALENDIJK - Today the translation of my collection 'Dancing to the morning' from Dutch into English officially has started.
This is not only about translating the words literally, but rather about translating the feeling into words and sentence structures that reflect the essence of the poem.
That's not an easy job. This requires empathy and a great sense of language. I found two superb translators working together to achieve the best results.
Matty Stutterheim-Smid en Michiel Van Bokhorst, I wish you a lot of success and creativity!